Don’t You Know
KELLY Soprano – Business-like, quick, friendly, but definite
DULCINE Dale’s assistant – polite, business-like, the perfect gofer or receptionist, but a little guarded, has been plotting behind the scenes
PAT the Pulitzer-Prize-winning reporter – earnest, a bit proud, devoted to facts, not easily flustered, with a “seen-it-all” attitude
DALE the host of “You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know” – extroverted, comfortably in charge, even-tempered until accused by Tracy, enjoys being droll around the guests
SANDY the devoted fan – awed by Dale, scattered, worshipful, claims to be dumb in order to cover up insecurities
ROBIN the internet trolling theorist – paranoid, excited by the “discovery”, thinks of Dale as a partner in exposing the truth, happy to be validated
TRACY the crusader – ready for battle, acts pleasant and friendly, then goes in for the kill, enjoys watching Dale squirm
Piano accompaniment
Cast on recording:
Dale: Ryan Henry
Kelly: Philip Lee
Robin: Maria Margiolakou
Premiere: April 2021, Georgia State Opera Theater, Dwight Coleman, director
The recorded excerpt is from the premiere production at Georgia State Opera Theater, directed by Dwight Coleman with musical direction by Rolando Salazar. In this production the role of Dale was played by a bass-baritone, the assistant Kelly by a countertenor, and the guests by three sopranos and one mezzo. But none of the roles is gender specific – the names are all unisex – and other assignments are possible, even encouraged.
Length: 30 minutes
(click to launch matching score)
The time is the present, but not, we hope, the future. Dale is the host of a podcast who enjoys “exposing” the flaws of an intelligent guest, is susceptible to the flattery of another, and angry at the unsubstantiated allegations of yet another. In the excerpt, Dale meets someone with a dubious scientific theory who has been emboldened by Dale’s general disdain of science.
Excerpt – Don’t You Know